November 30, 2022 My First Post!

Hello everyone!
I was born and raised in Tokyo, Itabashi. But I have no sense because Itabashi is in Tokyo but in the countryside.

Escape game
I sometimes play "room escape game". This game's rule is escaping from a room with locked door or a room with bomb, or a room with a murderer or etc. There is only a way to escape from the room, solving a lot of mystery. If players can't use their brain flexible, they will die in most cases. The situation dead or alive make me excited.
However, room escape game is expensive to playing. 

I recommend TOKYO MYSTERY CIRCUS, in Shinjuku

Disney parks
I have another hobby that doesn't cost money. It is to look for Disney parks on the Internet.
Disney has a lot more information than I could finish researching. It's a new show or parade or new food or decoration... In addition to the new ones, the meticulous that the Imagineers (Engineers at Disney parks) create, such as background stories and back ground music of the attractions, are very interesting. 

who think these buildings are in theme parks?

Google Earth shows me the wonders of the Disney park landscapes and takes up all my free time!

how beautiful!!

Nice to meet you!


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